Wind Mitigation Inspection $90


What is Wind Mitigation Inspection?

A wind mitigation is the implementation of building features to reduce the risk of damage caused by a windstorm. The state of Florida passed a law that requires home owners insurance carriers to offer their customers “credits” if their home has at least one of the required building features, or has made qualifying home improvements to reduce the damage in the event of a windstorm.

We provide wind mitigation inspections to help homeowners in Northwest and Central Florida save a significant amount on their home owners insurance. Our wind mitigation inspectors are licensed by the State and skilled at finding the building features that will protect your home, and save you money.

A wind mitigation inspection in Florida is the only way to determine if your home meets the States’ building feature requirements to receive a premium discount. Our inspectors will look for these “credits” to get you the maximum discount possible.

Is your home equipped to handle high pressure winds?

A Wind Mitigation Inspection Pasco County can save you up to 50% of the windstorm portion of your policy. Our Pasco County Wind Mitigation Inspections are conducted by licensed and insured Home Inspectors. We offer a variety of inspections and service the State of Florida.